Are you ready for a cyber attack?

Microsoft Copilot

Maximising productivity across businesses of all sizes.

Ways your business can flourish with

Microsoft Copilot


What could be achieved with the AI assistant.

  • General admin tasks, such as responding to emails, scheduling appointments, and setting emails are taken care of.

  • Creative content ideas can be brainstormed, outlined, and drafted - ready for you to check over and humanise. Blog posts, social posts, website copy, you name it! 
  • Make decisions based on fact with Copilot's analysis capabilities, letting you keep track of sales, customer behaviour and web traffic.

Lewis Techcare

Is Microsoft Copilot for all businesses?

While many large businesses have already got the ball rolling with Microsoft Copilot, small and medium businesses have fallen behind. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from Copilot, it's just that larger businesses have more capacity to get going with it quicker.

Small businesses have the most to gain from Copilot, find out how it can help your small business.

Copilot for Small Businesses

Get started!

We can help you kick off Copilot to transform the way your team works. Productivity, collaboration, and organisation can be completely transformed with Microsoft's AI assistant. 

Complete the form to begin the process.